
Manifest Your Way Out of Struggle: How to Combat Darkness When You Can’t See the Light

I’ve had to manifest my way out of the darkness so many times in life. I’ve been through the darkness so much that we became friends. It’s like when you are forced to constantly be around your enemy and realize that they don’t scare you as much as you thought. This is not to encourage you to stay in darkness. This is to encourage you that when you can be comfortable there, you can’t be defeated. If you freak out (mentally) in periods of darkness, you are letting the bully win. You must train your mind to not show fear. Remember, bullies can smell fear, so you can’t fake this. Energy doesn’t lie. When you can coexist in a civilized relationship with darkness, it will no longer scare you. When it no longer scares you, the light returns faster.

So, when the darkness of life (struggle periods, mental health, finances, illness, etc.) tries to engulf you, do not run from it. Running from quicksand will not help you. Stand strong in your mental power. If it helps to think of it in a literal way: imagine the quicksand being depression, anxiety, despair, burnout, etc. Standing strong in your physical power would be to not run from the quicksand, but just protect yourself with the only weapon you have, which is yourself. So physically, you may curl into a ball, protect your head and just trust that it’ll be enough for the quicksand to not swallow you up. This is why I said not to run from the quicksand/darkness. It would be a moot point. To stand strong in your mental power during this point, would be taking extra good care of yourself in a holistic way. Holistic means you are covering all the bases, and not just focusing on one area. You need to be strong for battle, otherwise the darkness will scare you more and you’ll be stuck there longer.

If you remember nothing else from this, please get yourself very familiar with the law of detachment. This is not an easy part of the healing journey, but it is the most important of the process. I say this because during periods of darkness, you may experience a lot of loss or a series of unexpected events. If you struggle with being able to detach (let go of control), then this part of your healing journey will delay you from moving forward. You will remain in the same cycle of whatever you’re dealing with until you literally learn to say “fuck it” and let go of any person, place or situation that doesn’t belong. You will either stay in the darkness or you will leave and keep returning until you release what you want, to get what you’re meant to have. I don’t teach other people what I don’t fact-check myself. Sometimes my fact-checking comes in the form of experience vs. research.

It took a lot of work to get here, but I am at a life point where I now just flow. Whatever/whoever comes, comes. And the same for whatever has to go. I can honestly say, that during times when I have done that, I received the upgrade, sometimes immediately. An upgrade can look like:

1.     You end a toxic relationship and meet the love of your life

2.     You move out of a place you love, but have outgrown to be relocated somewhere better

3.     You cut a negative person out of your life and new opportunities start rolling in

I desire a life of wealth and ease, where my worth is not determined by productivity, and I can afford my lifestyle by doing things that don’t feel like work. A period of darkness could be learning to live that way BEFORE having wealth. For example, if you desire to not work hard, don’t fall apart when you end up out of work. While you’re over there panicking and spending every waking hour to find another job, you are working hard. That means you will not let your body experience the feeling that you said you wanted. You will not allow your body to relax. By hindering this, you are hindering the wealth that will enable you to not be able to work, because your body instantly goes into panic mode. The sooner you detach from whatever person, place or behavior needs to go, then you can welcome in whatever you desire. It needs space to come in because you don’t want it tainted with the wrong things.

When you can get comfortable in the darkness, it will lose its stronghold on you, and you will get what you want faster. Getting comfortable in a period of working less would look like using that time to make changes in your life, so that when you no longer have to work hard, you already have a life prepared, so it will not feel like a complete shock. When it feels like complete shock, if you’ve experienced trauma in life, this sudden shift can feel scary, and you will subconsciously delay it from fully reaching you. It is important to just roll with life sometimes. This will look different to everyone, because each situation is unique.

In this case, to prepare for your new life, you should use that time to live like the ideal version of yourself. If you didn’t have to work every day, what would you do? Would you work out at 5 am? Would you sit at the park all day? Would you volunteer in your community? Whatever that looks like for you, start doing it now. That way, when wealth comes in, you will be able to live your life in the same way you have been doing, but with more money. So, if you wake up at 5 am to do a home workout and stay consistent, then when your wealth reaches you, you can afford a gym membership or some home gym equipment or a home with a custom-built gym and a pool. It’s entirely up to you, despite what the darkness tries to make you believe.

Story Time:

I was in a homeless shelter at one point in my life. My primary manifestations at that time were to:

1. To work in a certain hospital as a newly licensed healthcare worker.

2. Move from the shelter without downgrading my lifestyle. I refused to move to the hood based on affordability, despite pressure from the shelter staff to settle on whatever was available.

I did all of the necessary external work to achieve my goals, such as job-searching, further education, etc. However, if your life does not appear to move in the direction that you desire, it may mean that you need to go deeper. To help manifest my way out of my situation, I used a combination of detachment and delusion to create my desired reality. Delusion is not a negative term in manifestation. Delusion enables you to go beyond the limits that are placed on you by other people or your own beliefs. The delusion in this case served me when I just refused to believe that I couldn’t accomplish something that I wanted to do. I had shelter employees and other residents tell me that I would be unable to get a job at a well-known hospital. Staff members repeatedly mentioned how hard it was to get your foot in the door. Residents would tell me that they knew somebody’s sister’s boyfriend’s niece who has been trying for several years to get an interview with no luck. I was in that shelter for around 90 days. Within that time, I was offered a contract position at the hospital. Within my first month of employment, I was being interviewed for a direct position with the hospital system, doing the same work for higher pay. This was after added delusion against my new coworkers who claimed it was nearly impossible to go from contractor to employee if already offered the same position through the staff agency.

Within three months, I was proving doubters wrong left and right. At the time, it seemed that things were crashing all around me. Between health issues and community living nuances, life was not easy for me. Therefore, I did not realize that I was living in the middle of exactly what I asked for. When I moved out of the shelter, I moved to an affluent area and remained in the healthcare field. I got exactly what I wanted by ignoring what other people had to say, even if they meant well. One of my favorite expressions is to “be delulu until it comes true”. This means to be delusional until your desire is your reality. Detachment and delusion can catapult you into an upgraded existence. I’m living proof that it’s possible.

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