I cried when you said you were unlovable.
But I hid my face so you couldn't see.
Because why would you feel unlovable?
When you're loved so much by me.
I cried, feeling like I'd failed you.
I've been trying to love you extra for so long.
I love you. I pour into you. I accept you.
But all my love doesn't make up for who's gone.
I'm sorry that our "village" hasn't found us yet.
I promise that one day, we'll welcome our tribe.
I promise you that I'll never abandon you.
Not for as long as I'm alive.
I'll teach you to transmute your pain into purpose.
The hurt won't be this heavy forever.
Although it's hard to see it now,
all of what you're feeling will get better.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with you.
Nothing different could've been said or did.
And anyone missing from your life,
is missing out on an amazing kid.
The thing about them tables, baby
is that they always turn around.
Sometimes people don't learn their lesson,
until their until world comes crashing down.
Sometimes we witness those karmic cycles,
if it is meant for us to see.
Other times, we lose contact forever,
and leave the less desirable as who they chose to be.
Sometimes people experience darkness and then change.
Other people just never see the light.
But you, my baby, you are covered and protected.
I promise you, it will be all right.
Please don't feel unlovable.
Loved one is your middle name.
To love you is an understatement,
I just wish that I could love away your pain.