
Open Letter

I am not in this situation, for a lack of me trying.

What is the next step after praying and crying?

What else can I do

When I have children that need to be fed?

How am I expected to sustain

With an eviction looming upon my head?

This is one of the wealthiest counties in Maryland,

With so many agencies that claim to help.

If that’s the case, then why

Am I on an island by myself?

A woman like me doesn’t ask for help easily.

I strive to do things on my own.

Although my neurodivergence makes it harder,

I’ve always managed the best I could alone.

So, if I say that I need help,

That means I maxed out all other ways.

That means I’ve racked my creative brain for resources,

And yet, no solution stays.

So, what do you do next? After applying for jobs, updating your resume,

Seeking gigs and upleveling your certs?

What would you recommend to someone

Who is telling you that nothing has worked?

Would you just tell her that she’s “resilient”?

Or pat her on the back, saying she’ll “figure it out”?

Or would you advise the people within these agencies

To help this woman and stand behind what they say they’re about?

I’m intelligent, creative, and employable.

I deserve a safe and happy home.

In every career and every passion, I advocate for others.

Now I am advocating for my own.

Although I’m not where I desire (yet) financially,

I still recognize the weight of my words.

I wouldn’t have 629,000 Google views,

If my voice wasn’t worth being heard.

LinkedIn wouldn’t recognize me as a “Top Social Media Voice”,

If I wasn’t spreading a positive light.

My entire social media niche wouldn’t be based on empowerment,

If I wasn’t exercising that same right.

You can check my algorithm resume,

I advocate, inspire, and empower others every day.

I’m on the Counseling Advisory Board at my child’s school,

This is my life, and this has been my way.


I desire employment that aligns with both my purpose and my kid’s schedules,

That will enable me to comfortably afford market rent.

With no eviction on my rental history since

I’ve been vocal for years about issues that some tend to forget.

Or maybe moving up in the Housing Choice Voucher line?

I’ve been waiting for several years.

That would enable my special needs children to maintain their quality of life,

And I could finally afford to stay near.

I’ve sought a real estate agent, a mentor, and a career coach.

There has to be a purpose for it all.

I didn’t spend years doing all of this work

Just to take some traumatic fall.

I write children’s books about Autism.

I write mental health articles for an online therapy platform.

I’ve developed my own website and authored a dozen books.

I’ve educated the masses on neurodiversity and how “disability” doesn’t always have a look.

I’ve been a CNA and respectfully cared for MoCo’s elders.

I work with children who have different needs and I help them feel empowered with a better understanding of themselves.

I’m raising a published child author who is Gifted and Talented and holds public office in her elementary school.

I’ve raising a child who excels in all aspects of STEM but is into sports and theatre too.

I’m raising a child whose artwork has touched the heart of this county as she’s been featured in several displays.

We are all worthy of a desirable home. Someone else must see that too.

I refuse to believe that this was all for no reason. So now I’m passing the ball to you.       

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